~ The cover for unnecessary consumption

I was browsing through a Graphis magazine today and I found an article of Peter Seville saying: 'Design has become the cover for unnecessary consumption. I don't want to take part in the wholesale consumerized rape of a nation'.

... and that just after the huge SALE / SOLDEN / REA / 50-70% off / January sessions. Why do we need a design justification or statement, or whatever you want to call it, to buy something? Does the design or the styled items give us the complexity we project ourselves in? ... I'm just trying to unravel the hidden 'added value' behind the design. Would be happy to hear your thoughts on this.

~ А дали е така?

... А дали е така, кой ще ми каже?
Аз вървя по света и подсвирквам си даже,
но сърцето ми спира, спира да бие,
ако тебе във някой друг те открие...

check beloslavaI guess I'm a bit nostalgic tonight, and Beloslava's precious vibes are the greatest treatment. Picture perfect. It's amazing how deep memories could be, how sensual emotions could go while listening to her. Cause she's.

~ f - words

филантроп, филийка, фас, фундамент, филм, факт, фикус, фазан, факултет, фабрика, ферман, франзела, философия, фармация, ферма, фантазия, фондю, форма, функция, фрактура.